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"There are two means of refuge from the misery of life — music and cats." - Albert Schweitzer

”Rarely does one encounter such pure tonal brilliance, richness of colour and technical superiority. It is a joy to hear him play“, wrote the conductor and composer Gunther Schuller about Michael Faust.
Faust received his training from Cäcilie Lamerichs, Karlheinz Zöller and Aurèle Nicolet. In addition to national and international prizes, he was the first German musician to receive the prestigious Pro Musicis Award 1986 in New York.
Since then, solo concerts have taken him to almost all European countries, to North and South America, through Africa and to Japan. Michael Faust also impressed the conductor Lorin Maazel. Many composers wrote works for Michael Faust or the Ensemble Contrasts he founded, including Manfred Trojahn, Heinz-Martin Lonquich, Bojidar Dimov, Gunther Schuller and York Höller. Mauricio Kagel and Peteris Vasks wrote flute concertos for him.
This and his participation in festivals such as Darmstädter Tage für Neue Musik show his great commitment to contemporary music. In 2011, he launched the Gargonza Arts project, which promotes highly talented artists from various disciplines.

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